Ongoing Projects
Vimarsh 2023, BPR&D has been designated as Centre of Excellence for use of 5G Technology for Law Enforcement Agencies. In accordance with the mandate, a National Level Hackathon on 5G use cases is being jointly conducted by BPR&D, Deptt of Telecom and Telecom Centre of Excellence (TCOE).One Nation One Police Uniform: In line with directions of Hon‟ble Prime Minister during the Chintan Shivir of Home Ministers of States held at Surajkund on 27-28 Oct 2022, task of standardisation of uniform of State/UT Police has been entrusted by MHA to BPR&D. Accordingly, a committee has been constituted under the Chairpersonship of Director (Modernisation), BPR&D to formulate a standardised uniform of Police.Tourist Police Uniform: A committee has been formulated to design a separate uniform for tourist police with an aim to make these police personnel more citizen friendly and accessible.Development of Tools through R&D Projects under Cyber Crime Prevention against Women and Children (CCPWC) scheme.Formulation of National Standards of Arms & Ammunition for modernisation of State Police Forces.Standardisation of Police Forces and Police Stations on BIS Standards.Assessment of Arms and Ammunition in various calibre required by Police forces till 2030 under Vision 2047.Constitution of Standardisation Cell of MHA at BPR&D.Evaluation of Projects to be undertaken by National Centre of Excellence for Technology in Internal Security (NCETIS) of IIT Bombay, Mumbai in Phase II.Allocation of Tear Smoke Munitions to State Police, CAPF and other ministries.