Foreign Courses

  • Overview of Foreign Courses

BPR&D organizes various courses for Indian Police Personnel. These courses are conducted by Foreign Police & Security Agencies in India and aboard. Some courses are organized for Foreign Police Personnel form SAARC and other friendly countries in assistance with MEA.


Training with US Assistance:

  • ATA courses: Under the Anti-terrorist Assistance (ATA) program of the USA, BPR&D coordinates specialized training programs for Indian Police Personnel in India & USA. These courses included courses on Explosives Incident Countermeasure, Crisis Response Team, Terrorist Crime Scene Investigation, Post Blast Investigation etc. These courses are organized in India and USA. On an average, 12 ATA courses are organized every year out of which 3-4 courses are organized in the USA and rest in India.
  • Courses under Homeland Security Dialogue: Under the Indo-US Home land Security dialogue agreement, Govt. of US, Department of Justice, has been providing assistance in organizing specialized training programs for Indian Police personnel in India. Courses on Cross Border Financial Investigation, Intellectual property rights, Counter Proliferation etc. are organized with assistance from US Trainers. Main objective of these courses is to train the trainers so as to enable them to replicate the courses in India.

Training courses for police officers of SAARC & other Friendly Countries:

BPR&D coordinates training courses from police officers of SAARC & other Friendly Countries in various Police Training Institutes in India on subjects like VIP Security, Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine, Cyber Crime Investigation & Cyber Forensic, Crime Scene Investigation, IED Bomb Disposal, Course on Intelligence Collection and Discreet enquirers, Narcotics, Dog Training, Battalion Commander Courses etc.


  • Course on Any theme
  1.       Inviting Nomination for Course.
  2.       Accepted nominations for course .
  3.       Any other Information.